Tuesday, September 18, 2007

JNMAPodcast001: Hearing God's Voice

I cant hear anything! Even God…

-Psalm 32:3-4
David is wiped out
He was weak.
Life lost its flavor

So what did David do?
-Verses 5-7

So what happens next
David Begins to prophesy
-Psalm 32:8-9

Hearing God’s Voice
John 10:3-4
John 10:10

John 10:10 = Psalm 32…interesting.
So how do I actually hear his voice?
In the Bible they…

1. Heard it audibly (samuel)
2. Saw visions/dreams (Joel, Paul, Peter)
3. Through the scripture
4. Through the inner small-still voice

What helps me to focus
Calm down and unplug:
--The longer I am unplugged from the things stealing my attention the easier I can hear God’s voice.

What helps me to focus
--Clear the Air…spiritually speaking
--Confess sin like David did
--Surrender my own will and agenda to Christ

What helps me focus
--Pray against the enemy that may be hindering you from hearing the Lord.
--Our fight is not against flesh and blood…

What helps me hear clearly
--Seek Godly Council
--We were not meant to do this alone.
Most importantly
Follow the peace of Christ

He wants the best for you: He said it both in John and in Psalms.

God isn’t pushy
I Kings 19:11-13

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